Plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery

Surgical treatment is anai changes in the body through plastic surgery . When the plastic surgery is not just for the beauty of it is cosmetic surgery .

800 years before the birth of Christ has been in plastic surgery . I believe that the Romans could not dissect the body or organism . Still, almost 100 years before the birth of Christ from the Romans to the damaged ear plastic surgery . Egyptians even had plastic surgery fashion . India looks to raise the nose plastic surgery would be . Plastic surgery has gradually developed a variety of techniques . In the twentieth century, two soldiers have been wounded in World War plastic surgery is to improve the system further .

Plastic surgery is not the case :

    Fix the build aghatajanita burns or wounds ,
    Acne scars , mole removal and balirekha to remove ,
    Removing unwanted hair ,
    After removal of the cancer or tumor ksatasthane back to normal status ,
    Thomtakata , talukata , extra fingers or other congenital problems can be eliminated ,
    Pherate bald head hair ,
    Rainoplasti : saundaryabrddhi the wound to remove the nose ,
    Myamoplasti : cancer, wound repair or Pectoral beauty growth ,
    Laiposakasana : extra fat from the body and out
    Chin , lips , eyelids , ears saundaryabrddhite these parts .
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